Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Reality Show

So I've started rewatching the old episodes of The Hills as background noise as I draft my space planning assignments. I know its not real, but I love seeing glimpses of real people and semi-real drama. And this got me thinking...
I could totally have a show! My friends in my Interior Design program are so entertaining! And there is always some drama to be found in a major of 90% girls. With stress levels running high, there is always someone breaking down and crying. (It is usually me.) All of our drama would be very original since it would not be a result of drinking or having sex. We might need some "help" in the boy department since we don't have time for dating, but an awesome "casting director" would fulfil that responsibilty. With so many creative minds working in one area you never know what insanity could be unleashed. These are the things I think about when my mind wanders....
So MTV if you're reading this Rexburg is where its at. I wouldn't mind making $75,000 an episode either...

1 comment:

  1. this is seriously a fav post of mine. hahah lOVE IT. and just saying, our reality show would be #1
