i love today. (Minus the fact that i spilled hot chocolate all over my favorite C&C California white long sleeve t and it could possibly ruined forever.) But other than that I love today.
A chain of positive events occurred and I was able to talk a long, deep breath. The good karma began this morning in Space Planning. My teacher informed the class that we would presenting our hospitality apartments in small groups instead of the entire class. And she brought cake. And she left early. I wanted to hug her. Then I went to lunch with Amyjo & Matt and that when the hot chocolate incident occurred, so we'll just skip over that. Materials & Sources flew by and Presentation III was only 2o minutes long. And school was over for the day!
I decided to mental health day and just watch SNL skits on Hulu and update my itunes library with new music for the rest of the afternoon.
Lizzie & I went to karaoke at Sammy's. We are determined to keep Sammy's Wednesday alive. We met up with her flag football team and some interior design students. I was really hesitant to go at first because I had never done karaoke before and I do not do well in front of crowds. I learned the first rule of karaoke very quickly - you NEED to have some idea what the words of the song are. I joined a group doing "Love Shack". Even though only one girl knew the words, it was still really fun and slightly awkward. I was determined to do it again and be better. Lizzie & I sang "Wannabe" by the Spice Girls and it was one of the most exhilarating experiences of my life. Karaoke is the best stress relief ever. I have a new addiction.
And I am getting sleep tonight! Goodnight, lovies!
okay, seriously? AMEN to yesterday being an AMAZING, God-sent day in the Soph ID world! GLORIOUS sums it up pretty nicely...