Class went really well and I don't feel swamped with homework (yet). I got a 86% on my Materials and Sources test, which I am really happy about since I didn't really study as much as I would have liked to. I am going with the flow of life and enjoying every moment of the journey.

I definitely needed a night out. I love spending time with the Interior Design girls, there are some things that only they understand. We went and saw The Social Network. I really liked the movie and thought it was really well done. The cinematography was interesting and the acting was fantastic. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. For those who have seen it, I don't necessarily think Mark Zuckerburg is a crook, but I do think he doesn't know how to deal with people well and this makes him venerable to be taken advantage of. And you will fall in love with the many attractive males included with the price of your movie ticket. After the movie the headed to Sammy's for shakes. I got the PB & Chocolate Cupcake Shake. It was heavenly, all of my favorite items blended into a icy, sugary goodness. I am so grateful for the wonderful people in my life and great influences they are for me.
Peace & Love
YES! Funnnn night! We gotta do it more often. For sure